
How to Reduce Unwanted Cellulite

Rough skin, orange peel effect – so cellulite has many different names. Statistics show that cellulite at a certain stage of life occurs in 80-90% of women and sometimes also in men. Cellulite can develop at any age, and it would be erroneous to think that it only appears in overweight people. Most often it concentrates on the hips and buttocks, but can also develop on the back and abdomen. 

What is cellulite?

Cellulite is an irregularly shaped adipose tissue, which is formed as a result of the accumulation of fats and local inflammatory processes, accumulating excess fluid and various toxic substances in itself and in the intercellular space. Enlarged fat cells press down on blood and lymphatic vessels, blocking the movement of body fluids vital for the body in the skin and subcutaneous tissue. A kind of vicious circle arises: the outflow of lymph is blocked, toxins do not allow metabolic processes to occur, as a result of which the fat cell grows even more and further blocks the outflow of lymph. All this destroys the structure of the skin fibres, and an orange peel, or cellulite, is formed.

A layer of fat cells in the form of a kind of lattice limits the connective tissue of the skin, elastin and collagen. When deformed fat cells become too large and there are too many of them, they destroy the structure of this connective tissue, clots of subcutaneous fat protrude and become visible on the surface of the skin.

This explanation of the occurrence of cellulite also suggests that the fight against cellulite is a complex undertaking, and it will have to be waged on several fronts at the same time. On the way to the goal – to effectively reduce cellulite – you should set yourself three main tasks:

  • Reduce the volume of fat cells,
  • Improve lymphatic and venous outflow,
  • Strengthen skin connective tissue and collagen synthesis.

What contributes to the formation of cellulite?

Cellulite formation is influenced by both genetics and the natural aging process, when the skin loses elasticity over time. Also, the problem of cellulite often occurs in case of hormonal changes and fluctuations, as well as in women with the problem of varicose veins – it is expressed as a violation of venous and lymphatic outflow, which is one of the factors contributing to the appearance of cellulite.

However, there are a number of other factors contributing to its appearance, which we can influence:

  • Wrong, unbalanced diet;
  • Sedentary lifestyle and sedentary work;
  • Wearing too tight clothes or tights that put pressure on the body and interfere with the normal exchange of fluids.
  • Among the harmful factors is the prolonged wearing of high-heeled shoes – this also negatively affects blood circulation and lymph outflow.

How to effectively reduce cellulite?

You should think about changing your lifestyle, which, among other things, will also improve your well-being, physical fitness and overall appearance in the long term:

  • Healthy, complete, rich in vitamins and essential minerals. It is advisable to limit the consumption of smoked meats, foods rich in white flour and unsaturated fats;
  • Limiting the use of salt and sugar. Both of these products contribute to fluid retention in the body, inflammation and fat accumulation;
  • Restriction of alcohol consumption – like sugar and salt, alcohol also contributes to fluid retention;
  • It is important to drink enough water every day – this is necessary both for strong and hydrated skin, and to ensure the vital functions of the body. Water also helps to remove excess toxins from the body;
  • Physical activity is a very important factor in reducing cellulite, as it improves blood circulation, which in turn promotes skin metabolism, helps to eliminate toxins and reduce puffiness. Thus, it is possible to break the “vicious circle” of cellulite: an increase in fat cells, the accumulation of fluid and toxins in the intercellular space, and the destruction of the connective tissue lattice.

In addition to proper nutrition and physical activity, it is desirable to take collagen in the form of courses. This will not only improve the external appearance of the skin of the face, but also the condition of the skin on other parts of the body. In turn, firmer skin means less appearance of cellulite. It is not for nothing that men usually do not have cellulite – they are protected from this by stronger connective tissue, which does not allow deformed formations of fat cells to bulge on the surface of the skin.

Reduce cellulite with skin care products

To reduce cellulite with skin care products, it is important to choose products that not only target cellulite-forming fat cells, but also stimulate blood circulation, lymphatic drainage, and skin firmness. One of the most effective natural remedies that contributes to all of the above is algae. 

Cellulite is a common problem that affects both men and women of all ages. Fortunately, there are many ways to reduce or remove cellulite, from diet and exercise to more advanced treatments such as liposuction, and laser treatments.

Taking steps to prevent cellulite is also important, as eating a healthy diet, exercising regularly, reducing stress, staying hydrated, and getting enough sleep can all help reduce the risk.

Written by Abel Smith

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